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Saturday, April 17, 2010

True and Real Haunted Places in Washington State

Aberdeen - Billy's Bar and Grill - I can admit with please that this place serves some of the best food in Grays Harbor. I've visited on many occasions and have found it delightful each and every time. The luxurious history is worth exploring!This Building has two floors, the first floor has the restaurant, the second floor used to contain a prostitution house some of the ladies and a very infamous ghost named Billy Ghol may haunt the place lights go on and off at night cold spots and fog on the plate glass mirror.

Auburn - Auburn High School Auditorium Pit and Cat Walk areas - In the early 1950's, a little girl fell from the catwalk during a production. Ever since, she has been seen walking around the pit area and being heard in the rafters (cat walk).

Ellensburg - Central Washington University - Kamola Hall - Kamola Hall is haunted by the ghost of a former student that committed suicide there when she found out that her fiancé had been killed during the war. She hung herself from the rafters of the top floor where her room was located. People have reported unusual noises and sightings over the years. Even today, some of the students residing in the building have reported strange occurrences such as doors opening and closing by themselves and doors being knocked on but nobody there. Central Washington has always came across extra spooky to me. There is so much rich history and it shows! The Gorge is worth making a stop, almost like a miniature Grand Canyon, another place worth exploring.

Seattle - University of Washington - Columns Amphitheater - After dark, there is an entity at the Columns Amphitheater who does not like visitors. A couple sitting on a bench is a favorite target. The entity shakes the closest bush or shrub violently, and growls very low if you do not pay attention. Some people are unable to enter the amphitheater at night because of the forbidding, brooding feelings within. The Columns Amphitheater was named for the four columns from the original University of Washington building located closer to downtown.. Have no idea if the entity came from the original building or is some angry student, but he seems to be male and a young adult. Someone might consider taking a camera in there! Seattle has many natural and spookiness just in saying the city's name a loud. Seattle is where some of the alternative music can claim roots. Going to a show, in the smallest of small places is where I got to hear the "real music". A kick ass place to visit!

Taholah - Taholah school - people hear things when they are cleaning after school is out. They also hear people calling their names out loud and nobody is there. A picture of a guy on the wall and he will come out at night. There is to many to list. Taholah, like many of the coastal tribes all share similiar stories. Most of the tribes have experienced major and real heartache. They all feel it to the inner-most place, to the soul. I believe most show that when you try to look a Native in the eye, you actually see an intimate part of them. That is REAL.


  1. Hi Misty,
    I didn't know before...there're so many haunted places in Washington State.
    nice info!

  2. Hi. Very nice blog. Informative also.

  3. That was just a few or small handful. Lots of great places, too!
